If coaches understand and fulfill their significant responsibilities as teachers and role models, your team will be successful and your players and their families will have a rewarding basketball experience.
SLYB Documents Travel_Basketball_Coaching_Goals.pdf Curriculum 3rd-6th Grade slyb curriculum 3-6 grade.pdf Set plays vs "teaching how to play"?? An interesting article shared by the SLHS Coaches http://learntocoachbasketball.com/the-problem-with-set-plays Websites:
iHoops AkCoach Basketball Success y-coach.com Inside Hoops Breakthrough Basketball Positive Coaching Alliance Downloads: BreakthroughDrills.pdf Coaches'Clinic from Sara Behn.pdf From a Friend of SLYB.....What's really important with youth hoops? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZ9jTOAMTtk